The Department, being one of the most sought-after Centers of Excellence in the field of Electronics and Communication, has provided an ambience and infrastructure for the students to become researchers and innovators. The department was started with the sanctioned intake of 60 in the year 2009.
The department has been consistently achieving academic excellence in terms of University Results and with 3 University Ranks. The Department has a dedicated team of faculty members who contribute towards achieving academic excellence with a well proven teaching and learning methodology, active counseling of students and with innovative teaching techniques as required.
The Department aims at providing value-based training and skills needed for the students in the Electronics and Communication industry. The Department has well equipped state-of-the-art laboratory facilities in the areas of
We have a strong Alumni team who are placed in well reputed companies across the globe from Samsung Electronics, Johnson Controls, Wipro Telecom Division, Amazon, Zoho Corporation, etc.. Despite their busy schedule, they make themselves available on the campus to help the students during the placement training process by conducting mock interviews, group discussions, guest lectures, and motivational talks. Some of them are members of the Institution level or Department level Advisory Boards and Board of Studies
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