Madha Institute Of Engineering and Technology is a pioneering institution in Chennai.Madha Institute of Engineering and Technology founded by Ln. Dr. S. Peter, which is one of the reputed Engineering Colleges started under self-financing scheme in the year 2009. Madha Institute of Engineering and Technology is one among the best Christian Minority Institutions in Chennai and this institution is established under Loordhu Ammal Educational Trust. Madha Institute of Engineering and Technology is located in NH45, at the best and peaceful place in Chennai city.
We, at MIET embody the values of compassion & excellence which is reflected in empathy, care, social outreach, passion & quality. Our mission is to weave together from the diverse fabric of the society, an ensemble of Graduates and post graduates whose qualities of integrity and leadership propel them to selflessly administer the highest quality of Engineering Skills, so as to put back the brightest of smiles on the populace!
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